Professor Robert Thomas
A practicing consultant, cancer specialist, with 30 year’s experience in patient care.
In his book 'How to Live', Professor Robert Thomas, one of Britain’s leading oncologists and an expert in integrating nutritional and lifestyle strategies into cancer treatment, gives us effective, scientifically proven advice about everything from diet and exercise to sleep and skincare.
A health bible for life. Whether you are in your 20s or 70s, it will help you to empower your body against ageing and degenerative disease and live at maximum strength.
Lifestyle facts to help you live stronger for longer. This book aims to empower individuals with reliable information to ensure they can make the right lifestyle choices after cancer.

Professor Robert Thomas
Professor Robert Thomas is a practicing consultant, cancer specialist, with 30 year’s experience in patient care. After formal training at the Royal Marsden, National Hospital for Neurology, Royal Free and Middlesex Hospitals London, he now leads chemotherapy services at the Primrose Oncology & Research Unit, Bedford and treats patients with radiotherapy at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, where he is also teaches Medical Students in his role of Senior Clinical Tutor, Cambridge University.
At Addenbrooke's he lead the introduction of prostate brachytherapy and now manages patients with radiotherapy using conventional, conformal, intensity modulated (IMRT), image guided (IGRT) and tomotherapy techniques. His systemic medical practice is based at Bedford at the designated cancer (The Primrose Unit) and at The Manor Hospital Biddenham. Specialist interests include the care of patients with breast, prostate, bladder, kidney, skin and bowel cancer using chemotherapy, hormone therapy and biological agents. He treats private patients with radiotherapy at he Genesis Health Care units at Milton Keynes and Elstree. He is also a Clinical Teacher, book author and author for national press.
Gut Health & Prostate Cancer
Emerging studies are linking poor gut health with greater risk and progression of prostate cancer (PCa). Various dietary and lifestyle factors influence poor gut health - studies have linked a higher intake of phytochemical-rich foods with a lower risk of PCa and progression of prostatic specific antigen (PSA), a protein produced by the prostate gland commonly used as a biomarker for prostate cancer detection and monitoring. Read more about the YourPhyto Scientific Study of men with early prostate cancer managed with surveillance here .